今大会で久松勇二選手(和術慧舟會TIGER PLACE)との対戦が決定しておりました、ファビオ・ナシメント選手(ノーリミッツ/チーム・オーヤマ)ですが、パンクラスとの契約期間中に、契約違反となる他団体の総合格闘技の試合に出場、なおかつKOによる負けを喫したため、誠に残念ながら今大会を欠場することになりました。

As of April 24, 2007, WORLD PANCRASE CREATE, INC. (Tokyo, JAPAN) had canceled the match between Fabio Nascimento (No limits/ Team Oyama) and Yuji HISAMATSU (Wajutsukeishukai TIGER PLACE) scheduled at the PANCRASE RISING TOUR 2007, on April 27, 2007.
Pancrase discovered that Fabio has been defeated at another MMA fight dated April 21 in before leaving for the United States and been knocked out.
It is now evidently that there is a failure to provide a proper MMA match with his present health condition, also there was a serious breach of contract by entering of another fight; with regret, we hereby announce our decision to cancel this, one, match out of 8 matches. As advertised, other seven matches will be held at the upcoming event.
We profoundly apologize the suffering to all the fans hoping to see Yuji Hisamatsu at the event, our business partners and people who depend on our industry for their livelihoods.
We appreciate your understandings to this matter --- that all of us wish could have been avoided.
Pancrase discovered that Fabio has been defeated at another MMA fight dated April 21 in before leaving for the United States and been knocked out.
It is now evidently that there is a failure to provide a proper MMA match with his present health condition, also there was a serious breach of contract by entering of another fight; with regret, we hereby announce our decision to cancel this, one, match out of 8 matches. As advertised, other seven matches will be held at the upcoming event.
We profoundly apologize the suffering to all the fans hoping to see Yuji Hisamatsu at the event, our business partners and people who depend on our industry for their livelihoods.
We appreciate your understandings to this matter --- that all of us wish could have been avoided.