• PANCRASE -世界標準-





近時、米国法人であるBlown Falcon Productions LLC(以下「本件米国会社」といいます。)が、米国を中心として、パンクラス商標を使用し、あたかも自らがパンクラスブランドの正当な権利者であるかの如く喧伝し、また、United States Patent and Trademark Office(以下「USPTO」といいます。)に対し、パンクラス商標の登録申請を行っておりますが、弊社は本件米国会社のパンクラス商標登録につき、2021年6月25日、USPTOのTrademark Trial and Appeal Boardに異議申立を行い、現在当該手続が係属中です。






現在、当社保有資産を使用なさっておられる方々で、引き続きご使用なさりたい場合には、当社へご連絡を頂き、当社による審査及び認定を経たのち、当社からの利用許諾を受けて頂くこととなります。誠にお手数ですがありますが、厳しい規制をすることにより、より正当な形で活用して頂きたく、また当社との協力関係を強めて頂き、今後の双方の発展に寄与していければ考えておりますので、何卒ご理解くださいます様、お願い申し上げます。 ご承知の通り、パンクラスは日本発の総合格闘技団体及びコンテンツであり、日本及び世界における現代総合格闘技の源流の一つであり、日本の宝であると言えます。我々日本人が考える格闘技の本質には、「武道=武士道」という考えがあることからも、道義的にも法的にも、正当な流れで権利を取得し、現在までパンクラスを運営し続け、守り続けてきた我々こそが本家・本流であり、前述の当社保有資産はもとより、全ての権利が我々に帰属していると考えております。また我々は、そうしたパンクラスの歴史、遺産、誇り、名誉を守り続けていく者たちに、しっかりと継承していく必要があるとも考えておりますので、皆様のご理解とご協力をお願い申し上げます。


株式会社スマッシュ 代表取締役 酒井正和

Cautionary Notice Regarding the Third Party Use of Pancrase Trademark and Archive

This warning notice concerns the third party use of Pancrase-related trademark and past event broadcast movies (hereinafter, “the Archive”, and collectively, hereinafter, “the Company Assets”), as previously presented in our warning notice on the official Pancrase website.

Smash Co. Ltd. of Japan (hereinafter,”the Company”) validly and legally acquired via Pancrase Kabushiki Kaisha (hereinafter, “Pancrase KK”) all the rights relating to the Company Assets inside and outside Japan owned by the Pancrase founding company, World Pancrase Create Inc. (hereinafter ,”WPC”), and has been operating Pancrase to this date.

In recent years, a company in the United States, Blown Falcon Productions LLC (hereinafter, “the US Company”), has been using the Pancrase trademark, mainly in the United States, claiming that it is the rightful owner thereof, and made applications for the Pancrase trademark registration to the United States Patent Trademark Office (hereinafter, “USPTO”). The Company filed with USPTO’s Trademark Trial and Appeal Board a legal objection to the US Company’s Pancrase trademark registration on June 25, 2021, and the opposition proceedings are pending.

The Company has decided to issue a warning notice to those who might involve themselves in dealings with the US Company, without any knowledge of the facts described above and with any misunderstanding that the US Company is the rightful Pancrase trademark owner, that they might incur unexpected legal inconveniences.

In addition to the third party use of Pancrase trademark, the Company has identified several cases of unauthorized use of the Company Archive, which constitutes the Company Assets. The intellectual property rights of the Archive belong to the Company. Any broadcasting and/or streaming of the Company movies will not be permitted without the Company’s authorization. Also, the Company has contractual obligations not to permit any party to broadcast, stream or upload any of the materials, without any authorization by the Company and its counterparty. The Company asks understanding and due attention be paid to the terms and conditions of the Archive use.

The Company has decided that strict measures against any unauthorized use of the Company Assets be necessary in Japan and all other countries, in light of the cases including the legal dispute over Pancrase trademark in the United States and the unauthorized streaming of the Company Archive.

The Company has taken as tolerant a position as possible regarding the use of the Company Assets towards any parties in compliance with the Company regulations, including those who have been close to Pancrase since the WPC or Pancrase KK years and those helping to publicize Pancrase. However, the Company has decided that the unauthorized use of the Company Assets has made any further tolerations impossible for the reasons that the Company’s rights might be infringed upon and the Company’s above-mentioned contractual obligations might not be fulfilled on account of the cases of the unauthorized use of the Company Assets.

Henceforth, the Company asks that all those using any of the Company Assets comply with the same rules and regulations set by the Company and understand the possibility that, in case that the Company recognizes that a third party is using any of the Company Assets without the Company’s authorization, strict measures will be taken, by deeming that the Company’s rights are being infringed upon.

For those using the Company Assets and wishing to continue to use them, the Company asks that those persons contact us first so that the Company will examine and evaluate the application before issuing an authorization for use. Despite possible inconveniences caused by these Company decisions, the Company believes that adopting strict regulations will ensure that the Company Assets be used more properly, cooperative relationships with the Company will be further strengthened, and mutual development will be made in due course.

As is well known, Pancrase is a mixed martial arts organization and content holder that originated in Japan, an original source of modern mixed martial arts in Japan and worldwide, and is a Japanese treasure in its own right.

We believe that the essence of martial arts is based on the principle, ‘Martial arts are Bushido.’ The Company has obtained the rights duly and fairly and has managed and protected Pancrase to this date. For this reason, the Company believes that we are the original and mainstream organization in both moral and legal terms, and that all the Pancrase rights including the aforementioned Company Assets belong to the Company. We would like to ask for your understanding and cooperation, as we believe that it is our obligation to pass down our Pancrase history, legacy, pride and honor to those who will also protect these values.

In summary, we will shortly contact the relevant parties known to us on an individual basis for further discussion. In addition, we would greatly accept contact from any individuals or groups who have been using Pancrase trademarks and materials until now or wish to use the Company materials in future. By giving an open discussion forum we hope to proceed in a transparent and official manner.